stichting kastanje
what we do

The war in Ukraine has entered its third year, and more than 110,000 Ukrainians have sought refuge in the Netherlands, with numbers rising daily. The Netherlands has been a generous and welcoming host, providing a safe haven for those fleeing the Russian war in Ukraine. The over 110,000 Ukrainians in the Netherlands have now become an integral part of Dutch society. The large movement of people from Ukraine as well as other parts of the World has inevitably impacted the social structure of the Netherlands. Ensuring successful integration is vital to achieve inclusive, tolerant and florishing society. It's indeed reasonable to say that the culture and traditions of Ukraine may still be relatively unknown to many people in The Netherlands. Similarly, the reverse holds true: Ukrainians who have recently arrived in the Netherlands under current circumstances likely have limited knowledge and awareness about Dutch society. Maintaining dialogue and establishing ways for Ukrainians and Dutch people to interact and familiarize themselves with each other's cultures is crucial. This effort is becoming even more important as the duration of the war and the length of stay for these newcomers remain uncertain. Stichting Kastanje was established with the main objective of bridging this cultural gap. check more


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